Fitness Is A Choice
Staying fit is one of the difficult battles of our lives. It needs a lot of discipline and perseverance. At times, you would feel that the hard work you have put into exercise is not giving you desired result, but don’t give up. Along with a daily routine of exercise, it’s very important to keep a check on mindless munching. It is difficult to make a choice between pizza and green salad. I know it’s hard but not impossible. Until you are not blessed with an excellent genetic makeup and awesome metabolism which efficiently burn your calories, you can’t ignore exercise and healthy eating.
With our dynamic lifestyle, it’s very difficult to stay in shape. Many a times I have been haunted by guilt, for missing my morning yoga sessions. It’s a challenge we all face in our day to day life, to shun our favorite foods and embrace healthy eating and physical activity.
I am not a fitness expert, but I do follow a certain lifestyle to keep myself fit and healthy. Binging is not a sin, but frequency does matter. Over the past few years, I have realized that taking baby steps is always better than expecting an overhaul overnight. I am sharing a few tips that I have included in my everyday routine.
- Plan your day and make exercise a part of your daily routine
- Kick start your day with half a lemon and lukewarm water
- Reduce sugar content from your tea/coffee/smoothies
- Cut down aerated beverages, ice-creams, and any other junk food
- Start any physical activity of your choice, even if it’s just for 10 minutes a day – walk, yoga, gym, swim etc.
- Reduce the amount of oil and spices from your daily food
These small things make a lot of difference in a long run and can easily become a part of our daily routine. It’s never too late to follow a healthy lifestyle. Eat healthy and keep exercising. Share with us your fitness mantra; you might be able to help and motivate someone.
That's is indeed a choice :)